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Book List: Art Inspiration!
Hi All! As there becomes less time and support for arts in the classroom, I try to make each activity as multi-purposeful as possible,...
Book List: Gender Identity!
Hi All! Every year in my classroom, we have conversations about the terms "boy" and "girl" and I ask if there are "boy colors" or "girl...
Book List: Fairytale Retellings!
Hi All! Fairytales and folktales prevail in cultures all around the world, and they often carry morals and lessons meant to influence our...
Book List: Bravery and Courage!
Hi All! “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do...
Book List: Self-Esteem!
Hi All! We have all heard and seen it, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in bold statements that knock us backwards. The moment a child...
Book List: Wordless Picture Books!
Hi All! In my classroom, wordless picture books function both as entertainment and inspiration. Over the years, I have used wordless...
Book List: Acceptance and Kindness!
Hi All! We can all probably agree that the world would be better off if we were a little bit nicer, if we all showed each other a little...
Book List: Black History Month!
Hi All! Black History Month is about 11 months too short, so my goal in compiling this list is to share resources and ideas that I have...
Book List: Silly!
Hi All! I want every student to love reading. Period. Yes, I want them to know their sight words and understand the text and correctly...
Book List: Imagination, Problem Solving, and Perseverance!
Hi All! I hope this post finds you well! In order to support you as you teach students to use their imagination and problem solving...
Book List: Friendship!
Hi All! Welcome back to school! As we start the year and work to bring our students together in a cohesive classroom community (while...
Book List: First Day of School!
Hi All! Happy August! This is either an exciting time of setting up your classroom, or one month-long Sunday. Either way, I hope this...
Book List: My Classroom Favorites!
Hi All! I have compiled a list of some of my most favorite, go-to, always-have-on-the-ready read aloud books for my kindergarten...
"This is My House"
Sometimes, the best ideas are the ones that come to you at the last minute. Like, as you're walking to pick your class up from recess and...
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